Issuance of Provisional Clearance Certificate in favour of Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Ref:APNS/2010/ 198 October 6, 2010 To All Member Publications Sub: Issuance of Provisional Clearance Certificate in favour of Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Dear Sirs, The Mehran University of Engineering & Technology a listed clients of M/s. Xposure Advertising and Marketing has decided to appoint M/s. Maxim Advertising Co (Pvt) Ltd. The claimed amount of M/s. Xposure Advertising of Rs. 807,599/- has since been received. We have therefore decided to issue this provisional clearance certificate. You are advised to accept the advertisements of the above clients through M/s. Maxim Advertising Co (Pvt) Ltd till further communication. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, -s/d- ( Dr. Tanvir A. Tahir ) |