New Appointments Ref:APNS/2010/93 April 13, 2010 All Member Publications
All Accredited / Associate Advertising Agencies.
Dear Sirs,
1) New Appointment
S.No. Clients Name & Address Accredited Advertising Agencies
1. M/s. Auqaf Directorate, M/s. Adreach Advertising
Govt. of Pakistan,
Islamabad. Ph: 9261509
2. M/s. Father & Sons, M/s. Bulls Eye Communications
17 MCHS, Block 7&8, Lal Muhammad
Chaudhry Road, Karachi. ( M/s. Synergy cleared)
UAN: 111-754-754 Fax: 4528709
3. M/s. Coffey International Development Pty Ltd., M/s. Channel 7 Communications
Level 4, Serena Office Complex, Khayaban-e-
Suharwardy, Islamabad. Ph: 2600186-9
Fax: 2600191
4. M/s. Qadir Builders & Developers, M/s. Cross Check Communications
Hala Naka Chowk, Adjacent Hotel Sabzazar,
Line Channel, Hyderabad.
Ph: 2032547-8 Fax: 2728104
5. M/s. Falah Health Centre, M/s. M Communications
H.No.606, Main Double Road, G-9/1,
Islamabad. Ph: 2564341
6. M/s. National Institute of Design & Analysis, M/s. Message Communications
State Cement Corp. Building, Kot Lakhpat,
Lahore. Ph: 35145793, 3514579 Fax: 35145794
7. M/s. Lubaba Residency, M/s. Maxim Advertising
(A Project of Global Financial Solution)
12-C, Shehbaz Lane-4, Office # 8, 4th Floor,
Phase-VI, D.H.A., Karachi. Ph: 5342994-6
8. M/s. NAQSH, M/s. Mint Idea House
10-Q, Gulberg II, 1st Floor, PFDC,
Lahore. Ph: 40687001.
9. M/s. Port Grand Ltd., M/s. Orient Advertising
5th Floor, World Trade Centre,
10 Khayaban-e-Roomi, Block-5, Clifton,
Karachi. Ph: 35863826 Fax: 35871863
10. M/s. Pitaco’s, M/s. Orient Advertising
(A Stealth Solutions Group Co.)
19-C, 27th Comm. Street, Tauheed Commercial,
Phase V, DHA, Karachi. Ph: 35867045-6
S. No. Clients Name & Address New Advtg Agency Outgoing Agency
1. M/s. Admiral of New York (Pvt.) Ltd., M/s. Jupiter M/s. Adarts
Ismail Centre, 6-C, Central Commercial Communications (Pvt.) Ltd.
Area, Bahadurabad, Karachi.
2. M/s. Global Infrastructure, M/s. Mint Idea M/s. Evernew Concept
10-Q, Gulberg II, Lahore. House
UAN: 111-456-222 Fax: 2716292
3. M/s. The University of Faisalabad, No new agency M/s. Mass Advertising
Faisalabad. appointed
S.No. Clients Name & Address Product/Area/Agency
1. M/s. Digital World Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd., M/s. Evernew Concepts: for Samsung DVD
12-C, Block-K, Main Boulevard, Player, Samsung Split Air-Conditioner-
Gulberg II, Lahore. Good Sleep Campaign, Samsung Refrigerator,
Ph: 042-111-184-184 Fax: 5756289 Washing Machine and Gree Brand
M/s. Art Technique: for Samsung Audio
Video Products other than Samsung DVD
(M/s. Brainchild cleared )
2. M/s. Institute of Business & Technologies, M/s. Kimco: for other than Admission
Main Ibrahim Haidri Road, Korangi Creek, and Events Advertisements.
Karachi.Ph: 5090073 Fax: 5091530 ( M/s. Synergy cleared )
3. M/s. Pakistan Telecommunications Authority, M/s. Adgroup: for Procurement Advertisements.
Headquarters, F-5/1, Islamabad.
M/s. Channel-7: for Vacancy Advertisements.
M/s. Evernew: for Expression of Interest.
M/s. Manhattan Communications:
For Public Notices
4. M/s. The General Tyre & Rubber Company M/s. Modem 4:
of Pakistan Ltd. for Product Based Ads.
H-23-2, Landhi Industrial Trading Estate,
Landhi, Karachi. Ph: 35080172-81 M/s. Argus: for Corporate Ads.
Fax: 35080171-35083608
5. M/s. Orient Electronics (Pvt.) Ltd., M/s. JWT Asiatic: for Mitsubishi Electric
26-Km Multan Road, Lahore. Air Conditioner and Orient Refrigerator.
UAN: 111-111-660 Fax: 7543571
M/s. Interflow: for Samsung Home Appliances.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
( Sarmad A. Ali )
Secretary General, APNS